OpenMapTiles provides the fastest way how to setup custom styled world maps with open-source software. In a few minutes, you can have your own OpenStreetMap tileserver - ready for use in your websites or products.
Just download the pre-generated tiles and get started
The project turns the publicly available OpenStreetMap data into ready-to-use packages containing vector tiles for the whole planet, individual countries and major cities. Downloaded map tiles can be displayed on websites with JavaScript viewers, used in native mobile applications on Android and iOS (even offline), or turned into traditional raster tiles or high-resolution images for printing.
There are online guides to get started.
Open Map Styles & Open Tile Schema
We have prepared a set of beautiful Open Map Styles for our vector tiles. The styles are free and open-source, and you can adapt the design and code for your project or commercial product however you like. Either use one of our map styles directly as your base map or as a starting point for your own map design. You can also use an open-source visual map style editor.
Our new Vector Tile Schema is encoding the cartography decisions made on top of OpenStreetMap, Natural Earth and other OpenData sources and is 100% open and free to use, extend or build upon. We hope people will adapt, copy and reimplement our schema and data model in their projects while providing attribution.
Open-source tools and no vendor lock-in
The whole project is open-source, documented and comes with a license which is friendly even for business use (BSD + CC-BY). The project reuses existing open-source components and open standards from the OpenStreetMap & FOSS community, Mapbox and other third parties. The work on the new open vector tile schema was done in cooperation with Paul Norman and Wikimedia Foundation and was initially modelled after the cartography of the Positron base map from Carto (former CartoDB), with their permission.
With OpenMapTiles there is no lock-in to a single hosting platform or provider, and interested parties can adopt our workflow and do the tile generating as well as hosting completely independently and in-house. We offer maps API for developers and geodata for self-hosting and preprocessed data - including worldwide contour lines and hillshading datasets - to speed up the adoption of the project and applications in production use.
The OpenMapTiles project is a successor of OSM2VectorTiles, a project which won the OpenStreetMap innovation award of 2016 at SOtM in Brussels and which started in Switzerland as a student bachelor thesis at HSR Rapperswil in cooperation with Klokan Technologies GmbH. It is now maintained by MapTiler team.
Contributions to the source code from the community are very welcomed! is an open-source project from OMT community and MapTiler who provides Maps API.
Read the documentation for map developers.
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